Here are sermons from previous Sunday worship services, whether in audio or video format.  Each one includes Scripture references (and links to those Bible passages from and any graphics or PDFs presented.

A Segmented Life is Not Wise

October 20, 2019
A common pattern of life is to segment our time and attention into different groups.  We have work life, social life, family life, hobbies, secret indulgences, and our spiritual life. …

So Which Is It?

October 13, 2019
This scripture is an obvious contradiction.  This illustrates that the Bible is there to guide us but not as a rule book, situational manual, or playbook.   The Bible is there…

True Focus

October 6, 2019
When it comes to time, attention, spending of money, where is your focus?  These are the things to which your life is dedicated.  The challenge in Proverbs is to dedicate…

A Pattern of Faith

September 29, 2019
Wesley said that nothing happens outside the prayers of a righteous man.  Praying for ourselves in times of trouble.  Praying prayers of gratitude in times of celebrations.  Praying for each…

Never Know About Tomorrow

September 22, 2019
Life is not predictable.  We can plan all we want (and some plans are very appropriate); but, ultimately, we are not going to be able to plan our way into…
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