Here are sermons from previous Sunday worship services, whether in audio or video format.  Each one includes Scripture references (and links to those Bible passages from and any graphics or PDFs presented.

To Will, or To Do?

September 27, 2020
In the parable of the two sons, Jesus shows us that if we follow God and live a life of love for God and one another, we will be able…

Seventh Heaven

September 20, 2020
During the wedding at Cana, Jesus miraculously turned water into wine--and not just any wine, but the best wine.  Before that, Mary told the servants to do everything Jesus told…


September 6, 2020
Living in community with others can be messy and difficult, but is vital to our growth.  Jesus urges us to confront directly those who have done us wrong, and to…

Planting Seeds of Faith

August 23, 2020

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